Glossary related to Culture values and Issues:
Culture ثقافة cultural ثقافي Variety اختلاف – تنوع Traditions تقاليد Celebrations أعياد Beliefs معتقدات Religion دين Identity هوية Patrimony Values قيم Issuesقضايا Respect ا حترام Tolerance تسامح Tolerant متسامح Altruism نكران الذات Altruistic ناكر للذات Cooperation تعاون Coexistence تعايش Equity انصاف و عدالة Citizenship مواطنة Citizen مواطن Justice عدالة Hospitality كرم وضيافة | Hospitable مضياف Honesty صدق Honest صادق Democracy الديمقراطية Responsibility مسؤولية Responsible مسؤول Freedom حرية Solidarity تضامن Racism عنصرية Discrimination ميز Stereotype صورة نمطية Cultural shock صدمة ثقافية Nostalgia حنين Prejudice حكم مسبق Injustice ظلم Society / Community مجتمع Ethnic group جماعة عرقية To Break down stereotype يكسر الصورة النمطية Behaviour سلوك Behave يتصرف Belonging انتماء to belong يننمي Honour شرف |
Exercise :
Fill the gaps with the appropriate words :
Cooperation – discrimination – responsible – cultural diversity – respect – coexistence – hospitality – racism – altruism – nostalgia
1.Students show their ___________________ for the teacher by not talking. 2.She cares a lot about others. She is known for her ___________________ . 3.Morocco has a strong economic ___________________ with France. 4.Muslims and Jews have enjoyed a long period of ___________________ in Morocco.
5.Moroccans show great ___________________ to guests.
6.Everyone is ___________________ to their mistakes.
7.Immigrants in France suffer a lot from ___________________ .
8.Women are still suffering from ___________________ in some countries. 9.After living away for years abroad, Ahmed feels a strong ___________________ to Morocco.
10. Morocco is known for its ___________________ . Each area of the country has different traditions.
Exercise 2 :
Do the exercise below on the vocabulary related to culture
Choose the right words:
conflicts ; acceptable ; behavior ; global ; diversity ; emigrants ; misconceptions ; stereotype ; shock ; technology .
- One of the problems ……………………………….face is cultural ………………………….which is a condition of confusion and anxiety affecting a person suddenly exposed to a new culture .
- Some people think that a country with cultural ……………………………..may face cultural ………………………., think that such a country may benefit from the variety and richness of its culture.
- A ………………………….is a false, distorted assumption associated with a group of people.
- For some cultures, it is not culturally …………………………………… to burp in front of people.
- Racial ……………………………………. is the result of cultural …………………………………….
- The world has become a …………………………………..village thanks to ……………………………..