
Writing was never difficult : Process writing

International TEFL certification

           Asking  students to write an essay is a task they have never appreciated. Not because they don't like writing but they think that it is hard for them to perform such a task. However, the following article  will show and prove that they are wrong and that expressing oneself  by writing is very easy.So, what are the phases that the student writer should undergo to become a good writer ?

I- Pre-writing :

-In this tage, the students should read the topic very carefully, they are not supposed to write anything. Of course they can underline or highlight some key words which will help them later on. Here are some ideas related to this stage :

– Ask yourself who is going to read your piece of writing

-Individually or in groups try to brainstorm ideas or even words related to the topic.

-Read useful articles related to your topic so as to have some information about it.

II- Drafting :

–  Now try to put those words and ideas in your own words. Rememeber a good writer writes more than 5 or 6 drafts for only one paragraph. So don't rush and be patient.

-Use some cohessive words to link your ideas together.

– Your paragraph may not look perfect at this stage so don't worry that's why drafting.

-Read it and reread it again and again and make some necessary changes. you can always show it to others and ask thier opinion

III- Revising:

– Now it is time you make it better

-You have done a great job so far. Read what you have written.

– Drop what's irrelevent and add what others suggested.

IV- Editting:

-In this stage, correction is very important.

– Pay attention to spelling and grammar mistakes

– Punctuation and capital letters.

– Some words might be changed or dropped.

– Recopy your essay again ( you may give it to your teacher or anyone who could give you his opinion or suggestions).

V- Publishing:

– Congratulation! Your job is almost done.

– You can read it to your class mates

– you can post it in a school magazine

– You can share it with your friends on facebook or twitter.

– And of course you can share it with us by posting it in our website :




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