
Writing: Argumentative Essay

International TEFL certification
<span style="color:#0000CD;"><span style="font-size: 18px;"><strong>What&#39;s an argumentative essay and how to write a good one?</strong></span></span>
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                  In an argumentative essay we try defend our topic either by stating supporting arguments or opposing ones. Therefore, we should have in our minds a clear picture of how our essay would look like and how are we going to convince or persuade our readers? 

                   so if you believe that you have the capability to persuade others, go ahead and chose the most challenging topics, such as :

1- Smoking is good for our health.

2- It's better for woman to stay at home.

3-Students should not be given homework.

                     As you can see it is not easy to make people change their minds about the above mentioned topics. But by making relevant research and giving straight forward evidences you can surely make them change their minds.

                     Before writing anything down, you are invited to make a list of those supporting ideas and opposing ones, for example:

Supporting ideas for topic N°1:

Smoking can make you relaxed and it’s a kind of relief

Those who don't smoke find it difficult to make themselves comfortable when waiting someone or being under pressure

By smoking you are no longer a teenager in the eye of girls.

Opposing ideas:

Smoking is dangerous for our health.

-thousands of smokers die every year because of lung cancer.

-Smoking is a waste of health and money.

                   The second step isn't that difficult because all you have to do is to write your introduction in which you define the problem with its thesis statement of course then, you can move to the body in which you are going to write two paragraphs: start by your supporting ideas then in the second paragraph you can move to the opposing ideas or vice versa. Don't forget to use suitable linking words (however, but, also……). Finally, you have to conclude your essay by restating what you have already mentioned in your thesis statement or just give your opinion or suggestion about the topic in general.



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