
What non-muslim famous thinkers said about Muhammad PBUH?

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What non-muslim famous thinkers said about Muhammad ?

These are some quotations about the prophet Muhammad,

said by different non-muslim thinkers :

The French Philosopher, Lamartine

What non-muslim famous thinkers said about Muhammad ?

The French Philosopher, Lamartine said: “Mohammad (PBUH) is the Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator, Warrior, Conqueror of fantasies.
In all standards by which human greatness is measured, we may well ask: Is there any man greater than Prophet Mohammad?!

Gustav Lobon


The Well-known French historian Gustav Lobon said Mohammad is the Greatest man that History ever knew.!

George Bernard Shaw

bernard chaw

The Famous English playwright George Bernard Shaw said: The world much needs a man with Mohammad’s bright thinking. If a man like Mohammad were to assume The rule of modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems and bring peace and happiness to it.

Michael Hart

imgid4708Michael Hart, said : “My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.

Mahatma Gandhi


The great Indian Leader Mahatma Gandhi said : “After I finished the second part of the Biography of Mohammad, i felt i needed to know more about this great personality. He uncontested, won the hearts of millions of people.

Thomas Carlyle


Thomas Carlyle, the English writer, said: ” I like Mohammad for his Hypocrisy-free nature… With clear and sound words he addresses the Roman Tsars and Kings of Persia. He guides them to what he loves for them in this life and in the eternal life.”

George Wells


George Wells, the English author regards Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) the greatest personality who established a state for justice and tolerance.

LEO Tolstoy


the Famous Russian writer LEO Tolstoy believes that Mohammad’s religion will prevai lover the Whole World as it is in conformity with mind and wisdom.

Jean-Louis Michon

Jean-Louis Michon

And Jean-Louis Michon, the french orientalist, said : Islam which ordered Jihad or Holy War, had much tolerance with followers of other religions…As per the teachings of Mohammad (PBUH), Omar Bin AL Khattab (RA), did not inflect harm on Christians when he conquered Jerusalem.

Will Durant


Will Durant, author of the Story of Civilization said: if we rated greatness by the influence of the great on people, we will say Mohammad is the greatest of the great in history


The researcher Ligtner said: I declare my hope to see a day coming in which the Christians will highly respect Jesus through their respect to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Truly the Christian who recognize the religion and right brought by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is clearly the true Christian.

And Allah say the truth  in the Quran : 

“..And you are certainly on the most exalted standard of moral excellence.” 

Chapter 68. Al-Qalam


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