
Vocabulary Related to Science & Technology : Glossary and Exercises

International TEFL certification

Exercise 1

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word or words.
microwave oven –  mobile phone –  vacuum cleaner –  computer  – dishwasher  – remote control -e-mails

When I returned home from work, I decided to watch TV. I took the ………… ……………….. and zapped to my favourite channel. But the electricity went off a short time later. I took my …………………………….. and called my friend to help me fix the problem. He was busy on his……………………………sending and replying to ……………………………..or chatting.

I couldn’t use the ……………………. to clean the carpet, so I had to take a brush and do it manually.

I couldn’t use the …………………………… to heat my dinner and was obliged to have it cold.

After dinner, I couldn’t use the ……………………………….and again, with my own hands, I washed all the dishes!

Exercise 2:

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.
copy – download –  sign up – invented – discover – anti-virus – unplug – search engine – turn off – browser –  update – memory card

1) Many laboratories around the world are trying their best to ……………….. a cure for AIDS.
2) The electric light bulb was ………………….. by Thomas Edison.
3) When you finish using the computer please ……………it………….. and …………………………… it.
4) Please ……………….. the file into my flash disk.
5) The internal memory of my phone is only 1GB. So, I need to insert a ……………………………… for more space.
6) Google is the best ……………………………. .
7) Mozilla Firefox is the best ……………………………….. .
8) You should use IDMAN to ………………………………… your files more quickly.
9) You must install an ………………………………. to protect your computer.
10) I need to upload these photo to my facebook ………………………. to update it.
11) Before you can log in toin to facebook, you need to ……………………….. first to create an account.


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