
The birth of a new association in the Audio-visual field in Casablanca

International TEFL certification

« Com' dima+ Association »


Last weekend, 2nd and 3rd February saw the birth of a new Moroccan  association called Com Dima Association to start its action in the audio-visual field.

This association is non-governmental, aiming at bringing some novelties in the mentioned field, and raise the awareness around different issues and in different walks of life, like health, environment, education…to sustain development and tackle core difficulties and problems ordinary people face on a daily basis, through an audio-visual perspective (movies,documentaries,and reports).

The members of the association are professionals who agreed to work positively and cooperatively to organize forums,meetings, and be ready to take part in arts and cinema festivals, besides running workshops in the audio-visul field for the benifit of Moroccan youth, as stated by its president, Amina Chaoui.

And in the next couple of days, the association is taking on its shoulders the awareness raising project on anumber of issues, like road safety and protection from road accidents, and thedangers of drugs and alcohol taking.

The general assembly of the association has selected its executive boared, presided by Amina Chaoui and Fatima Zouhra Rida as vice president, Rajaa Daoudi as Secretary general, Mohamed Miftah as treasurer, and Laila Chaoui as councilor.

Moreover and since these issues are capturing the attention and breathe of local and national civil society, the association will take the lead to present  some audio-visual materials at the level of schools-private and public- to sensithize about the catastrophies caused by such epidemies and social problems, which are scaring the security of a whole nation.


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