
Teaching Job Mock Entrance Exam 2017_ 2018 (CRMEF)

International TEFL certification

Prepared by Sallou  Abdellah





Learning a foreign language is a process that puzzles a large number of students. It is a serious question that worries students, and   makes them in constant search for a solution. As a teacher of a foreign language, you should always expect questions from students asking for an effective way to learn a foreign language. To solve this problem, psychologists conducted a scientific study of memory and came up with three rules for efficient learning.

       The first rule for efficient learning is known as the total time hypothesis. It simply means that the amount you learn depends on the time you spend trying to learn it. In other words, the first rule for an efficient learning is that if you study something longer, you are more likely to learn it more thoroughly.

       It is true that studying for four hours, for example is better than studying for one hour. But the question is how we should use the four hours. Is it better to study for four hours continuously or to study for one hour a day on four consecutive days? According to psychologists, the answer is that it is better to spend out the study time. This the second rule for efficient learning, which is known as the distribution of practice effect. According to this rule, we can learn more efficiently by dividing our practice time.  That is to say, It is better to study briefly but often.

       Learning briefly over short periods of time is undoubtedly, a good strategy. But what is the best way to learn over short periods? Imagine that you are trying to learn some new and rather difficult English vocabulary using flashcards. Should you look at the same word in rapid succession? Or should you look at the same word and then wait before you look at it again? The answer is that it is better to wait. This the third rule for learning effectively, which is known as the micro distribution practice.  

A- Choose the appropriate answer   the following words mean:

1- Puzzles : a. mystifying       b.  Make someone confused     c.  Fearful        d.  Wonder how to know

  2 – Conducted: a. supervised    b. coordinated         c. managed       d. guided

  3- Came up with :   a. completed        b. produced     c. reached            d. agreed

4- Consecutive : a. cooperative         b. interceptive      c. connecting             d. uninterrupted

5- Succession : a. sequence            b. continuing          c. success            d. session


B_ The equivalent sentence to the following is :

  1. It is serious question that worries students :

    • a- students asked teachers how to learn a foreign language.
    • b- students wanted to know how to answer the question.
    • c- students wonder how to learn a foreign language.
    • d- students suggest to know about a foreign language.
  2.  The total time hypothesis suggests that :

    • a- Distributing time be an effective way of learning.
    • b- Total physical response is a good way of learning.
    • c- Learning is a question of time.
    • d- Learning depends on how much you know
  3. It is better to spend out the study time means

    • If someone wants to know time is not important.
    •   It is crucial to learn continuously and daily.
    • Students need many hours per day to learn.
    • One hour is enough for learning a foreign
  4. Learning briefly over short periods of time is a good strategy.

    • Learning a little by little is a good style.
    • Learning about a short time is an effective strategy.
    • A short time every day for learning is an effective strategy.
    • Brief learning is better than nothing.
  5. Micro_distribution practice requires:

    • a.To wait until you learn the vocabulary items.
    •  b.To run your eyes over the list of vocabulary items.
    • To concentrate more and more on vocabulary item.
    • To distribute vocabulary items in a list.


  1. According to the total time hypothesis a thorough and effective learning has nothing to do with the amount of time we spend trying to learn something.
  2. The best way to learn a new item is to look at it quickly and successfully.



  1. What is the title of the text?
  2. 14.What is the main idea of the text?
  3. What are the three rules for an effective learning?
  4. Why does the writer recommend studying something for a long period of time?
  5. How can we learn more efficiently according to the second rule?


E_ Complete the following sentences from the text:

1/Teachers should often be ready to answer the questions


2. According to psychologists time should

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