Two children are playing a game, one little girl of 7 years is playing with a little boy of 2 years and half, the girl gives instructins for the boy to implement, she says " we are going to play 'colours game' , whenever I say RED, show me something RED, if you fail I spank you on the head three times.
the girl: RED
The boy: (is just looking he couldn't execute the instruction)
The girl: (bom, bom, bom) she hits him three times and she says: "Go away, you understand nothing"
The boy: followed her shouting and crying: " I understan, I understand"
So what implications can we get for teaching a lesson? Was the lesson a success or a failure? If the lesson failed why was so? How can we apply this thechnique upon our students in the classroom? And so on there are so many questions to derive