
How to ensure successful role-plays in the classroom

International TEFL certification

In role-plays, students are asked to perform roles that should be based on real-life situations which they can go through in the outside world. Successful role-plays allow students to build sociolinguistic skills through the connections students make while performing. 

Students generally enjoy role-playing; however, teachers may notice some of their students being demotivated to take part in role-plays due to their lack of confidence or having lower proficiency levels.

To ensure successful role-plays in the classroom, teachers are recommended to consider the following tips:

1. Get the students ready:

Give a clear description of the situation so the student can understand the activity.

2. Set the outcome:

Explain to students what kind of production they should come up with, whether a phone conversation, sharing opinions, job interview, or any other production.

3. Use role cards:

Distribute cards that describe the roles to the students. For lower-achievers, the cards should include simplified words.

4. Brainstorm:

 Before starting the activity, help students generate ideas, vocabulary items, idioms that are related to the topic.

5. Keep groups small:

students with a lack of self-confidence find small groups more encouraging for them to participate in role plays.

6. Give students time to prepare:

Let them work individually to outline their ideas or work in groups to draft and revise their products.

7. Focus on fluency rather than accuracy:

Be communicative with the students and answer their questions. Do not correct their pronunciation or grammar errors unless they ask you about it.

8. Allow students to work according to their individual abilities:

Each student has their individual abilities, their own approach to work in groups, and a specific role to play. Do not expect all students to perform equally in the activity.

9. Do topical follow-up:

Have students report to the class on the outcome of their role plays.

10.Do linguistic follow-up:

The teacher can give feedback on the most used grammar or pronunciation errors. The linguistic follow-up can be conducted in another session that is accuracy-based.

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