Since the student Safa was the winner in the first serie of "Guess Who" , MoroccoEnglish offered her an opporunity to share one of her favourite songs, and dedicate it to her friends …
Safa's Dedication :
I would like to dedicate this song to my dear friends of my heart, including my good friend Rima, my colleagues in English Class especially: Adil, Mohamed Boujida, Mohamed Chellioui and Youssef and to Moroccoenglish .
Your friend Safa
You too! You can dedicate your favourite song on, if you fulfil one of the following conditions weekly :
- Winning "Guess Who"
- Being the most active on the website ( criteria : Joining Discussions (for Bac students) / Sharing English projects and any relative english posts/ Posting relative and frequent comments on different posts )