
Nador: Workshop on “The Effective Role of Educational Clubs” at Alfaid High school

International TEFL certification

Al Faid high school in Nador, Morocco hosted on Friday  December 28th, 2018 a workshop  entitled  “THE EDUCATIONAL CLUBS AND THEIR EFFECTIVE ROLE IN ENHANCING THE LEARNERS LINGUISTIC AND 21st CENTURY  SKILLS” conducted by Mr Asskalli, the  Accompanying teacher  with the assistance of Mr. El Kadaoui Mohamed, teacher of English. The workshop was part of the training sessions devoted to the new teachers in the province  in partnership with the ministry of Education, Oriental Region Academy. The workshop was rich in its content since it shed the light on every aspect of a school club.,from the creation to the implementation .

Mr Mohamed Askalli started the workshop with brainstorming some activities which can’t be assigned during the teaching sessions, such as role play, Public speaking, posters, etc. All the teachers agreed that the best place (physical or moral) to conduct such activities is in a CLUB .

A clear road map was given by Mr Asskalli, about the objectives of creating an English club and the steps to be taken to be an official one. He also shared his club’s activities which were very rich in content.
At the end of the workshop, the floor was given to Mr Elkadaoui to animate a sample club activity which is that of “Spelling Bee”.

As a takeaway, the teachers were provided with a portfolio which would serve in the creation of their English Clubs.

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