
Play : The Empty box

International TEFL certification






Girl 1

Girl 2

Girl 3

Girl 4






(the King and the Prince are in the palace talking during breakfast)


King: When are you going to get married?


Prince: As soon as I find the perfect girl for me, father.


King: Next friday it will be your birthday, and I was thinking about having a big celebration here at the palace. What do you think?


Prince: It’s fine with me.


King: Good!… I will tell my people that the girl who brings you the best gift , will marry you and she will be the queen of this castle.


Prince: Very well father. I hope everything turns out just fine.


King: Come on… it’s time to go hunting.


(the king and the prince leave stage)





(the king is sitting in his throne talking to one of his servants)


King: Tell all the people in my kingdom, that next Friday will be my son’s birthday, and that the girl who brings him the best gift will marry him.


Servant: Is that all?


King: Tell them also, not only to bring the best gift, but that the prince must also like it.


Servant: Then, excuse me, my king. I must talk to your people right now.


King: The soon… the better.


(the servant leaves stage and the king remains sitted in his throne thoughtful)





(at the prince’s birthday celebration. Many girls are gathered in the ball room. Every girl has a gift for the prince. The prince talks to every girl and looks at the gifts).


Prince: What is your name?


Girl 1: (she bows) My name is Leonor, your highness… and I brought you this fine gold watch. Do you like it?


Prince: It’s beautiful… but I need time to take a decision… excuse me… enjoy the party.


(the prince walks aways and talks to another girl)


Prince: Are you having a good time?


Girl 2: (she bows) Oh, your highness… it’s an honor to meet you!… I brought you this fine Spanish wine…. I’m sure you will be delighted with it.


Prince: Well… I don’t really like wine that much… but, I appreciate your gift.


(the prince walks away and talks to another girl)


Prince: What did you bring as a gift for me?


Prince: I brought you a gold chest full of diamonds… and also a horse I brought from Saudi Arabia.


Prince: Oh… you impress me!


Girl 3: So, do you mean that…


Prince: I didn’t mean anything… don’ t get me wrong… but I need time to take a decision.


Girl 3: I’m sorry.


Prince: Don’ t be… please, enjoy the party.


Girl 3: Thank you, your highness.


(the prince walks away and suddenly he stares at a simple box that is on a table)


Prince: Who could have left this box here?…


(the prince takes the box in his hands and opens it)


Prince: There’s nothing inside…. It’s completely empty! Who did this to me!


(the prince calls his servant)


Servant: Yes, your majesty.


Prince: Someone left this box here… but it has nothing inside it. I want you to find the girl who brought it. I don’t like this joke, she brought me nothing!


Servant: Don’t worry, your majesty… I will find her. Wait here.


Prince: Don’t take too long.


(the servant leaves stage and comes back a few minutes later with a girl)


Prince: Can you tell me why you are making fun of me giving me nothing?


(the prince turns his back on the girl. The girl speaks with a trembling voice)


Girl 4: I ’ m sorry, your highness. I don’t know what to say… it’s just that when I was on my way here from home, I found on the road so many people that needed the gift more than you, so… I just gave it all away.


(the prince listens to the girl’s sweet voice and to her great generosity. He turns around and kneels without looking at her face)


Prince: I don’t care how you look on the outside, but I have seen that you have a great heart, and I want you to marry me. I want you to be the queen of this castle and the queen of my heart. Will you marry me?


(the girl kneels in front of him, and for the first time they look at each other faces)


Girl 4: Yes, I will!


(they kiss).


The End


Author: Anonymous


Adapted by: K I D S I N C O

Moral Value: Generosity

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