
Narrative Paragraph Writing: Practical Worksheet, ideas, and examples

International TEFL certification

A- Study the following writing examples:

The Funniest incident in my life:

The most hilarious (funniest) thing that has ever happened to me is when I and my family decided to prank my father, and convince him that I caught the coronavirus. At the beginning, we waited for my father to get back home. As soon as  he arrived , I started to cough and pretend that I had breathing difficulties, and my mother told him that I am not feeling well. My father was really confused, and he called my brother. A few moments later, my father tried to call the local health authorities. Suddenly, my mother stopped him. My father did not know what to do, and he told everyone not get near me. At the end, he decided to lock me in my own room. Finally, we told him the truth and everyone started to laugh. All in all, it was a very nice moment that made us forget about the global issue for a while.

An Unforgettable Experience in my life:

Last weekend, I had the best experience of my life. On Friday night, my best friend visited me and we made a delicious pizza. After we ate, we had a friendly video game competition. After a while, my other best friend, Ali, joined us. On Saturday, my dad took us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the water was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim. Laterin the evening, we went to the movies. We saw an action film and ate a lot of popcorn. Thenthat night, we spent some time playing chess. Finally, on Sunday, we went bike-riding around town. All in all,we had great moments. Now, with this experience, I’ve changed my opinion about weekends. Now I have to say that weekends can only be as exciting and fun as we’d make them be.

Important synonyms :

  • In the beginning:  First, at first; initially;
  • Later:  after; next; then; afterward; after a while; after that; soon; later on; soon after; just then; right after;
  • As soon as just when; once; when;
  • Suddenly: immediately;
  • Finally: lastly; at last; at the end;

B-Following the examples above and using the given synonyms, develop the following topic sentences to write complete paragraphs :

1-I often experience funny situations in my life, but the last Sunday was when the funniest incident has ever happened to me. At first, ………………………………………………………..

2-I often have good moments in my life, but yesterday was when the most memorable experience that has ever happened to me in my life. In the beginning, …………………………………………….…………..

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