
Marrackech Security Forum 2013 brings victory to Morocco over the issue of Western Sahara

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marackech sec forumLast Friday and Saturday 25th and 26th January, the extraordinary city of Marrackech hosted the annual security forum. This latter has seen the resolutions of new recommondations to be delivered to leaders and decision makers in many parts ofthe world, like North and West Africa, the region of Southern Sahel, and the horn of  Africa.
The forum has signed for an interesting success for the Moroccan diplomacy over the problem of Western Sahara.
On the other hand, the forum has thanked the great efforts made by the national activists, from politicians and civil society and urged them to cut off with any kind political interferance in one's own issues of  state security, but recommended some respect to the territorial autonomy of the countries and stopping racial activities and conflicts within the one nation and one country.
The Marrackech Security Forum organized by the Moroccan center for strategic studies along with the politicalleaders around the world have come up with  an urgent notification to leaders in these conflict zones to creat a democratic atmosphere based on the principle of law and order.This recommendation- law and order- is at the top of  17 other recommendations, which, in short, fall into  a number of principles:
– empowering good governance;
-mantainig law and order;
-keeping individual and collective freedoms;
-bearing in mind individual privacy and freedom, freedom of belief of groups;
-accelerating the humanitarian and medical efforts;
– and in the end, mantainting world peace, stability, and sustaining the economic, social, cultural development of the human nations and human spiecies in a rallying and changing world, where human resource is the dynamic resource  for any development to take place on this planet.

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