
Leo Rainbow Sunderland and SIST Sunderland

International TEFL certification

Leo Rainbow Sunderland and SIST Sunderland

It is our tremendous honor to solicit your kind assistance in accomplishing our goal.
Our Student-run Organization, Leo Rainbow Sunderland, which was founded on the 22nd October 2011, now unites 22 official volunteering members with one common purpose: Serving Our Beloved Country.
In our vision of spreading culture and knowledge, we have planned to set up a fully-equipped library in the rural Village of “BARAM” in the Midelt regions. As this library will be open to the general public of the region, we hope it can serve as an oasis for knowledge and personal growth for them and especially for the children of the region.

To provide these needy children with a greater opportunity to learn and develop, we aim to give them a variety of content that will open their intellectual curiosity and lead them to strive for knowledge.
Therefore, we are looking for all types and genres of books, either in French or Arabic, it would be sincerely appreciated if you could donate any books to this humanitarian cause. Book can be in any acceptable condition, and they don’t have to be new.

Additionally, our Program for this event is as follows:

Renovating two Mosques: we will renovate a local mosque by repainting its exterior and furnishing it with new rugs and fresh copies of the Holy Quran as well as with other supplementary needs.

Renovating a School: we will paint and redecorate three classrooms, build a fence that will surround the school and plant trees in the playgrounds.

Renovating a Local Organization: We will paint and renovate a local social center, and decorate it for future events.

Setting up a Library: We will set up a fully equipped Library with a multimedia center.
Medical action: we will provide circumcision operations benefiting a total of 90 children.

Gift to the community: we will give basic needs and food to 100 needy families in the region.
We thank you for your attention and we hope to count on your assistance in this humanitarian effort.

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