
Fundraising for Iman to walk again

International TEFL certification

image 2 walk again

We have a situation where we have been trying to provide help to a Moroccan family that suffered a tragedy while here in the state on a Visa. I heard about their story from a friend and I have been trying to help them since.

Imane is 22 years old. She was hit by a car in November of 2012 and was in a coma for about 7 months before waking up, about two months ago. She suffered a brain injury and fracture of the neck. She has memory problems and, unfortunately, ¾ of her body is paralyzed. The hospital has provided all the services they can. At the moment there is nothing more that they can do to improve her health. She will be in a wheel chair and dependent upon other people’s help for the rest of her life.

The hospital was generous enough to pay for all of her medical bills and provided her with a wheelchair and other necessities. They kept her at the hospital as long as they could, but being deemed medically fit to leave hospital care, she will be released on the first of August and has nowhere to go. She and her mother – who flew from Morocco to stay with her at the hospital – will, literally, be in the street.

I have helped them to find a lawyer to try to pursue legal action in the hopes that they can at least get enough money to provide a minimal amount of care. However while this legal action is in process, they have no means to live by.

I couldn’t enroll them in any government programs for housing or food stamps, as she is neither a resident nor a citizen of the United States. I called mosques and muslim associations and the only help they have offered them is their prayers.

I am writing you today as I know you are respected and known in the muslim and Moroccan community, and may be able to help find assistance for them with housing and food for a month, to give them enough time to deal with their legal case.

Today Imane left the hospital, she is staying in a hotel, at delray beach florida . Its only the begining, now we have to make sure a rehab facility will accept her. Anyone who can help in getting her accepted to any rehab facility at no charge is welcome!! As soon as we know which facility will accept her, we will rent her a place next to that rehab… Please continue to share this page in your facebook page until we reach more and more people. Thank you very much. God Bless you!!

Lalla Salma Alaoui

Contact information :

Cell phone :  561-498-4440 / 407-569-6293

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