
Demo Exam for CeRMEF candidates with Answer Keys

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1. The street was quiet in the mornings and on the weekday afternoons. But toward evening, or on holidays, the street would fill with the soldiers who came from the camp nine miles away. They seemed to prefer Front Avenue to almost any other street, and sometimes the pavement resembled a flowing river of brown soldiers. They came to town on holidays and went around in glad, loud gangs together, or walked the sidewalks with grown girls. And the old Frankie had always watched them with a jealous heat; they came all over the whole country and were soon going all over the world.

 8. They went around in gangs together, those lasting twilight of the summertime – while the old Frankie dressed in her khaki shorts and Mexican hat, watched from a distance by herself. Noises and weathers of distance places seemed to hover about them in the air. She imagined the many cities that these soldiers came from, and thought of the countries where they would go – while she was stuck there in the town forever, and stealing jealously sickened her heart.

14. The Blue Moon was a place at the end of Front Avenue, and often the old Frankie had stood out on the sidewalk with her palms and nose pressed flat against the screen door, watching all that went on there. Customers, most of them soldiers, sat at the tables, or stood at the counter having drinks, or crowded around the juke-box. Here sometimes there were sudden commotions. Late one afternoon when she passed the Blue Moon, she heard wild angry voices. The old Frankie knew the Blue Moon well, although she had never been inside. There was no written law to keep her out, no lock and chain on the screen door. But she had known in an unworded way that it was a forbidden place to children.

 22 . The Blue Moon was a place for holiday soldiers and the grown and free. The old Frankie had known she had no valid right to enter there, so she had only hung around the edges and never once had she gone inside. But now this morning before the wedding all of this was changed. The old laws she had known before meant nothing to F. Jasmine, and without a second thought she left the street and went inside.

Adapted from Carson McCullers, The Member Of The Wedding


A- Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE- Justify

  1. The town was busy.

  2. Frankie knew that, one day, she too would travel all over the world .

  3. There was a law that forbade children to go to The Blue Moon .

B- Answer the following questions fully

  1. Why did the old Frankie envy the soldiers?

  2.  What were the soldiers doing in The Blue Moon?

  3.  Is The Blue Moon a public place? Justify your answer from the text.

 C- Complete the following sentences according to the text:

  1. The street was quiet in the mornings, whereas ………………

  2. In order to watch all that went on inside The Blue Moon, she had ………….

  3. Although no one had told Frankie not to go The Blue Moon, she …………….

D- Choose the correct answer- one possibility is correct

1. The scene takes place

a)in the country        b)in a shop     c)in the street of the town    d)in an army camp

 2. The text is about:

 a) two girls   b)one    c)a mother and her daughter   d)a young woman and grandfather

 3. Frankie is:

a) a young woman      b)the mother of a girl who is getting married    c) an old woman    d) an old Mexican man      

E- Find words in the text meaning the same as:

 a)alone (parag 2)       b) she was not allowed(parag3)      c) the adults (para3)


A-Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word (4p)

 1. Nowadays we take it for ———————- that women have the same rights as men.                    Opportunity – granted – regarded – certain

2. The girl had to undergo psychiatric treatment as she was ———————

                    Unsafe – unsteady – unstable – unfixed

3. As there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to ———————-

                Call for – call off – call on – call out

4. I dislike going to the dentist as he uses the ————————–

               Pick – pin – probe – drill

 B- Choose the correct answer (5p)

1.The patient is sick, she’d better —————– the doctor.

                       To consult – consulting – consult – consulted

 2.The student got late to school, he should —————————— too early.

                     Come – came – have come – be coming

 3.I’m looking forward to ———————————- an e-mail from the manager.             

                      Receiving – receive – have received – be receiving

4.By the year 2020, the population growth ——————————-

                       Will double – will be doubling – will have doubled – will doubled

5. —————————– her wealth, she refused to live in big cities.

                           Although – Since – Unfortunately – Despite

6. ”Could you show me the way to train station please?” The soldier ——————-

                        Warned – begged- explained – suggested

C – Fill in the blanks with the correct word – one letter is supplied .

The heavy smokers must g—————- up smoking. Cigarettes are dangerous for l———————, so p——————– is necessary for these smokers.

 D – Rewrite the following sentences as indicated (6p)

 1.It’s forbidden to smoke in public places. You ———————————————————————————

2.I advise you not to make noise when you enter an emergency. If ————————————————————————————-

3.Many drivers use their mobiles while driving. Mobiles —————————————————————————

4.Mrs Crumps deceived the man. She also lied at him . Not only ———————————————————————–

5.”Where will you take this article?” The manager asked to his son The manager wanted to know ————————————————

 6.It wasn’t necessary to type that letter. I had word processed it. You —————————————————————————————

E-Give the correct form of the words (3p)

Chemical weapons are (destroy) arms, they cause (die) to children, women and old people. However, some governments insist on using them. They (threat) the neighboring countries all the time.

F-There are four mistakes in the following paragraph, correct them.(4p)

I did my task when my sister called me. She was not satisfactory about her son’s character; he usually disturbs his mates. Although he was punishing by the headmaster, he went on making a noise.

III-writing (20 P)

To leave in peace and harmony, governments and countries should stop using arms and weapons. Write an essay to express your attitude.


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