Worksheet 1
A- Vocabulary: Adjectives of Appearance and Personality
Physical appearance:
Age: (young, elderly, teenager …) Height (tall, short, medium…) Body (thin=slim, slender, fat,…) Skin: (black, white, pale..) Face (round, square, oval, long, wrinkled) Hair ( Blonde, black, curly, straight, short, long ) Eyes (big≠small, brilliant,…) Clothes: (elegant=well-dressed, fashionable, tidy≠messy, casual, conservative, stylish, Funky, …)
Optimistic≠pessimistic, relaxed≠tense or nervous, sensible, sensitive, (un) sociable, open-minded≠close-minded, honest, sincere=trust-worthy, reliable, shy/reserved, funny, self-confident, rude≠polite, friendly=nice, selfish≠caring, moody, talkative…..
B- Let’s study the following descriptive paragraph Examples :
Model 1: Describing a person (my friend)
Najib has been my intimate friend since we were in primary school. He’s a tall and slim young man with pale skin and curly dark hair. He has brown small eyes and an oval shiny face. He always wears casual clothes. Najib is very funny, and he always makes me laugh. Also, he is a very generous and sensitive person. However, sometimes he can be a little tense. Najib is very keen on playing football. During the weekends, he spends hours either training his football team or watching matches on TV. In addition to that, he enjoys singing and dancing, as well, and he is fond of listening to pop music. Everybody likes him for his sense of humour and modesty. All in all, I’m happy to have such a good person as a friend; and I’m sure we’ll always be intimate friends.
Model 2: Describing a person
My best friend Lara is a quite special person. She is a twenty-year-old girl who studies Biology at the University of Fes. She is a slim and tall girl who has got black curly hair and brown eyes. She also has a round face on which the charming smile is usually drawn. Lara wears casual clothes like jeans and t-shirts. Lara loves playing all kinds of sports, such as basketball and tennis, and she is very good at them. Besides, Lara is a friendly, optimistic, and reliable person. All these positive characteristics made people love Lara from the first time they meet her.
Exercise: Fill in the gaps to complete the following paragraph
- Stylish clothes
- Good at
- The childhood
- Medium
- Curious
- Light
- Good-looking
- Straight blonde

Chamss has been my close friend since ______________ . She’s of a _________ height with _________ skin and _______ _________ hair. She has brown big eyes and a ___________ face. She often wears _____________ . Chamss is friendly and open-minded. However, sometimes she is very __________ . Chamss is very ________ drawing. During the weekends, she spends her time drawing beautiful pictures. Everybody likes her for her kindness All in all, I’m happy to have such a good person as a friend.

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