On Friday, November the 22nd, Al faid high school English Club organized a workshop entitled: “How to effictively Design and Give a Successful presentation” for the benefit of its students; all levels ( a selected group from each class). The workshop, whose main objectives are to provide the students with some needed techniques about designing various PowerPoint templates using ICT and how to deliver a speech, took place at the Multimedia room.
“It is a great and unique initiative taken by Al Faid High School English Club.”says Mr.Abdelmalik Azouagh, the head master in his speech during the workshop.
The idea of the workshop which was animated by Mr.Mohamed ASSKALLI, the English club coordinator and Mr. Mohamed ELKADAOUI, the facilitator, came to bridge the gap between theory and practice. That’s to say, the students are always asked to prepare presentations within most of their school subjects assuming they already know how to prepare one.
“It was really a great opportunity for us to finally know how to design and deliver a presentation” said most of the attendees