
Cause / Effect Paragraph Writing: Practical Worksheets and Simple Examples – BAC2

International TEFL certification

Worksheet 1

A- Let’s study the following Examples :

Causes of Smartphone Overuse

There are many reasons why youths overuse smartphones. First, this device offers unlimited entertainment; that’s why young people spend most of their time in front of screens. Another reason is that they prefer to stay online on social media all time waiting for new likes or other reactions to their posts. Some people use smartphones to escape life difficulties and problems; whereas, others use it to complete their tasks or homework quickly without effort. In conclusion, these are the main causes of smartphone addiction.

Important Synonyms:

  • Overuse a smartphone:  use it too much; to be addicted to a smartphone.
  • Unlimited  :  endless;  
  • In front of screens : on their smartphones.
  • Another reason is that : In addition, besides;
  • Withouth effort : effortlessly;

Causes of School Dropping out

Many causes are behind dropping out of school. Many students leave school because their parents don’t have enough money. Also,students drop out due to the absence of school transport; so they find it difficult to walk for a long distance to arrive at school. In addition, because of some parents’ divorce, children no longer feel at ease and they decide to stop schooling. Finally, since the life is hard in the countryside, parents prefer to keep their children at home so as to help them with their work. All in all, the absence of school transport, family problems and poverty are the main causes why many students drop out.

Important Synonyms:

  • Many causes are behind dropping out of school: There are many reasons why students drop out of school.
  • Parents don’t have enough money: they are poor.
  • Absence : lack   –    
  • Difficult  :  hard
  • Feel at ease :  feel comfortable
  • Stop school : quit school.
  • Effects : consequences; drawbacks;

Effects of Smoking

Smoking causes numerous horrible effects. First, it is the source of serious diseases, such as cancer and heart problems.In addition,smokers waste a lot of money because of this habit. Finally, when you smoke, you are not only hurting yourself but others around you. All in all,smoking is the most destructive decision a person can make in their life; that’s why, smokers should seriously consider stopping this habit before it’s too late.

B- Following the examples above and using the given synonyms, develop the following topic sentences to write complete paragraphs:

1- There are many reasons why students choose smoking. First, …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Suggested ideas :

  • Many students start smoking due to peer pressure
  • They think that smoking gives them a sense of integration.
  • They think that a cigarette is a sign of courage
  • They think smoking relaxes them and reduces their stress when they have personal problems.

2- There are many causes why developing countries face the issue of Brain Drain. To begin with, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Suggested ideas :

  • Unemployment
  • Unsatisfactory working conditions
  • Lack of research facilities
  • Low living standards
  • Absence of freedom of speech

3- COVID-19 has caused many effects on our life. First……………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. All in all, the pandemic of coronavirus has led to many negative effects on people’s lives; that’s why all have to take action in order to help them.

Suggested ideas :

  • More than three million people have lost their lives due to the virus
  • The pandemic had a serious effect on the Moroccan economy
  • Many people have lost their jobs, and are unable to feed their families.

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