
Bac2 : Women and Power – Unit | Your Useful Vocabulary – examples and exercises

International TEFL certification

Important Vocabulary related to women

  • Power قوة
  • Empower يمكن (v)
  • Empowerment تمكين
  • Self-confidence الثقة بالنفس
  • Emancipation تحرير
  • Gender Equality المساواة بين الجنسين
  • Access to education ولوج التعليم
  • Educated women المرأة المتعلمة
  • Working women المرأة العاملة
  • Women’s status وضع المرأة
  • Welfare رفاهية
  • Family code مدونة الأسرة
  • Feminism نضرية المساواة بين الجنسين
  • Low salary راتب منخفض
  • High salary راتب عالي
  • Polygamy تعدد الزوجات
  • Stereotype صورة نمطية
  • Inferiority الاحساس بالنقص
  • Inferior أدنى مكانة
  • Dominance of men هيمنة الرجال
  • Discrimination الميز
  • Gender discrimination الميز بين الجنسين
  • Violation of rights انتهاك الحقوق
  • Violence عنف
  • Women’s exclusion اقصاء المرأة
  • Women’s day يوم المرأة
  • Gender الجنس: رجل أو إمرأة
  • Law قانون
  • professional career مشوار مهني

Exercise 1 :

Choose the right words to fill in the blanks : self-confident – Polygamy – empower –inferiority – Stereotype – access to education – educated – Equality – Emancipation – Family code.

  1. _____ are obstacles that hinder women’s advancement in different domains.
  2. Thanks to the new Moroccan _____ the status of women has changed .
  3. According to the new ‘Mudawana’, _____ can’t be practiced without the first wife’s permission.
  4. All over the world, women have always had a continuous struggle for _____
  5. It’s true that a lot of women and girls in Morocco have _____. However, their situation is still not perfect.
  6. Education and gender equality _____ women in their societies.
  7. Some women are powerful, but they don’t believe in their abilities. They are not __
  8. _____ Women can raise strong families.
  9. Women still feel _____ in some countries.

Exercise 2 :

Choose the right words to fill in the blanks : gender equality – violence – inferior – violations of rights – women’s exclusion.

  1. Forbidding women from education is one of the big _____ .
  2. Thanks to ‘Modawana’, _____ against women has decreased.
  3. Some societies still suffer from _____ in getting jobs. As a result, it’s hard for a woman to find a job.
  4. In the past, some people believe that women are _____ and should have less rights.
  5. _____ refers to the equal treatment to men and women.

Useful Examples

  1. Negative stereotypes are obstacles that hinder women’s advancement in different domains.
  2. Thanks to the new Moroccan family code, the status of women has noticeably changed.
  3. According to the new ‘Mudawana’, polygamy can’t be practiced without the first wife’s approval.
  4. All over the world, women have always had a continuous struggle for emancipation.
  5. Meriam Chadid was the first woman to set foot on the Antarctica, where she patriotically and proudly raised Morocco’s flag.
  6. Nawal Almoutawakil is a UNICEF goodwill ambassador.
  7. Women have demonstrated considerable leadership in community, as well as in public office.
  8. Moroccan rural women need education as well as health care.
  9. However, they still suffer from negative stereotyping.
  10. Along with being busy with her professional career, Karima manages her family life.
  11. Educated women have a big influence on society. Moreover, they contribute to the welfare of their families.
  12. Educated women look after their houses. They also work outside their homes.
  13. Despite spending much time at work, working women are able to perfectly manage their households.
  14. In spite of the efforts made by the government to alleviate poverty, the problem still persists.
  15. It’s true that a lot of women and girls in Morocco have access to education. However, their situation is far from perfect.
  16. Although, Globalization has a positive impact on women’s status, they are still regarded as inferior in some societies.
  17. No matter what your social status, you must abide by the law.

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