
Bac2 : The Gift of Youth – Useful Vocabulary

International TEFL certification

gif of youth


Useful Nouns And its Adjectives

energy Energetic audacity audacious
perseverance perseverant strength strong
enthusiasm enthusiastic competence competent
patience patient reliability reliable
flexibility flexible responsibility responsible
sociability sociable vitality vital
optimism optimistic ability able
vigour vigourous punctuality punctual
imagination imaginative persuasion persuasive
creativity creative cooperation cooperative
adventure adventurous maturity mature
innovation innovative efficiency efficient
talent talented self-confidence self-confident
ambition ambitious autonomy autonomous
inquiry inquisitive rebellion rebellious
independence independent

Featured Words Definitions :

  • Perseverance :

To Perserve : to try to do or continue doing something in a determined way, despite difficulties

Example : If I had persevered, I probably would have gotten the job.

  • Flexibility : Able to change or be changed easily according to the situation:

Example :I’d like a job with more flexible working hours.

  • Sociable : Someone who is sociable enjoys being with people and meeting new people.
  • Vigour: strength and energy:
  • Innovation :a new idea or method that is being tried for the first time, or the use of such ideas or methods:
  • Inquiry : a question that you ask when you want more information:
  • Audacity : showing too much confidence in your behaviour in a way that other people find shocking or rude:
  • Vitality : energy and strength:
  • Punctual : Arriving at the right time and not too late
  • Maturity : The quality of behaving like an adult, in a way which shows that you are well developed emotionally:
  • Efficiency : a good use of time and energy, without wasting any:
  • Autonomy : the right of a country or group of people to govern itself


Useful Expressions Arabic Translations :

Equal citizens

مواطنون متساوون

To play a determining role

أن تلعب دورا حاسما

Reliable partners

شركاء يعتمد عليهم

The gifts of youth

عطايا/مواهب الشباب

Shouldn’t go by unnoticed

لا يجب أن تمر دون اهتمام/ اكثرات

To have higher aspirations

أن تكون لك آمال عريضة

To empower

ندعم/ نقوي

Resourceful citizens

مواطنون موهوبون

To voice one’s opinion

أن تعبر عن رأيك

To be constructively critical

أن يكون لك نقد بناء



To be concerned about

أن تكون قلق أو مهتم ب

Youth issues

قضايا الشباب

Heterogeneous group

فئة غير متجانسة

A vital force

قوة فعالة

Enrich your vocabulary with these examples :

  • Although young people are a heterogeneous group, they can play responsible, determining roles in society. They are the lifeblood of a country and represent the most active and vital force in its development. They should be allowed to voice their opinions because they have as much to say about societal problems and potential solutions as others do.
  • Karim, our classmate, is known to be very cooperative. When we are assigned projects, he works well with us and always does his share of work.
  • A high percentage of young people no longer believe in their country’s political parties; that’s why they tend to shy away from politics.
  • The youth need their independence in order to grow into responsible adults.
  • The young man left the conference room with a clear conscience. He felt happy he had been able to raise people’s awareness to the importance of community work.

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