
Bac2 : General Test 2 – Get Prepared!

International TEFL certification

Read the text carefully :

1-The number of elderly people is constantly growing in Morocco. By 2030, old people will have made up 15% of the Moroccan population, rising from 2.5 million to 8 million. Government officials and social activists say that actions to protect these marginalized people must intensify. Otherwise, more ageing citizens will end up on the streets.
2- Ba Mohamed, aged 70, once lived with a loving family. Now, he wanders the street of Rabat every day, suffering from solitude and marginalization. He no longer receives any news from his two children, who emigrated to France 25 years ago. After the death of his wife, Ba Mohamed continued performing seasonal work, until health problems prevented him from supporting himself. Without financial resources or help from family members, he ended up begging in the streets.
3- Sociologist Naima Bichri says, “We are seeing problems which never existed in the past. Indeed, It was rare for elderly people to be rejected. Their families used to take good care of them. But this habit is dying out more and more”. Nevertheless, It is important to remember that this is not the case for all families because many of them are still happy to look after their parents and grandparents.
4-Hnia, in her eighties, has been living with her children since her husband died 32 years ago. She organizes her own schedule of visits to stay with her eight children, who live in different towns and cities. “When I’m bored staying with one of them, I phone one of the others to come and collect me immediately. Whenever I’m sick, my sons pay for my treatment. I feel spoiled even if my daughters-in- law irritate me,” She says with a broad smile.

Comprehension (12 points)

A- Are these sentences true or false- Justify. (3pts)

1-There are 8million old people in Morocco now.
2-According to Bichri, neglecting old people is a new problem in Morocco.
3-According to Bichri, It is easy for many young people to help their elders.

B- Answer the following questions ( 4pts)

1-What may happen to old people if the government doesn’t help them?
2-Why did Ba Mohamed stop working?
3-How did families treat their elderly in the past?
4-How long has Hnia been living with her children?

C- Find in the text words meaning the same as (3pts)

1-old (parg1) 2-resumed (parg2) 3- vanishing (parg3)

D- What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2pts)

1-Them 2- I


A- Give the correct form of the words between brackets (3pts)

In crowded places like buses young people should give (prior) to old people; however, some youngsters are (no ability) to help. The (fulfill) of values depend on youth.
B- Rewrite the following sentences (4pts)
1-They will build a new hospital.
A new hospital ——————————————————-
2-I had a bad mark at the test because I didn’t prepare well.
If ——————————————————————————
3-“Where can I find a gas station?” The woman asked .
The woman wanted to know ———————————————-
4-I didn’t buy a computer because I don’t have money.
I wish —————————————————————–

C- Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets (3pts)

This doctor (to work) in this hospital for 20 years, by 2016, he (to operate) on more than 100 patients. He (not be) successful if he hadn’t worked hard.

D- Match the following sentences with the correct words (5pts)

1-He hasn’t turned up yet. He must have overslept — disagreement
2-I see what you mean, but your idea is not convincing — contrast
3-She went on diet. However, she didn’t lose weight — opinion
4- AS far as I’m concerned, technology made life easier —- certainty
5- I don’t know what you want to say. — Clarification

III- Writing:

It is said that life in big cities is harder and harder.

Authorities encourage people to settle down in rural areas.

Write an article to explain the reasons of going back to live in the countryside.

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