
Bac2 Most Common Exam Writing Types – PART1 ( Pragraph and Essay Writing )

International TEFL certification

I- Paragraph Writing


1- Pragraph’s Planning:

Example : Technology’s advantages

Technology has many advantages. To begin with, it’s making our lives easier and comfortable. In other words, people save more time and effort with the use of technology. For example, machines and robots can perform all of our hard tasks perfectly and in no time. Also, great inventions, like the telephone, computers, the television, the cell-phone, and the internet have made communication easier and better. Additionally, research has confirmed the positive effect of technology on our economic growth. Nowadays, 70% of world businesses rely on technology to improve the quality of their products or services. Moreover, the various technological advances in transportation have turned our world into a small village. This has led to effective interaction between people from different places and cultures. In fact, with all these advantages, technology has brought about many positive changes to our every-day lives.


2-Types of paragraphs and  Examples :

a- Argumentative Paragraph:

It presents an opinion on a certain topic and lists a number of reasons, examples, facts, ideas to support it.

Example1 of a short argumentative paragraph :

Nobody denies that voluntary work has many benefits . The very first advantage is that offers helps to people in need. In addition, volunteering contributes to the improvement of the community. What’s more, this value helps you reduce stress and boosts your happiness.

Argumentative Paragraph Example2 ;

I believe that every student should study a foreign language for these reasons. First, knowing a foreign language can help you a lot in life. If you speak more than one language, you have better chances to secure a decent job. In fact, Many local companies today deal with other companies in other countries. So, they will certainly need employees who can speak another language. Second, one’s life can be really interesting and exciting when they can talk to people from other countries , read their books, watch their movies, and sing their songs. Nowadays, studying English, for example, gives one the opportunity to learn about the world and its cultures. Remember that a language is not seperate from the people who speak it. When you learn a language you learn more than just words ; in other words ,you learn how other people think and live. In modern times, it’s very important for world peace that we understand one another. Additionally, When you study a different language you learn about yourself, too. Learning another language gives you the chance to look at your own language through someone else’s eyes. For example, English uses only one word for the pronoun you . So, when an American studies Spanish and learns that Spanish uses two words for you, he may ask, “ Why does English have only one word for you ?”. Therfore, the American is then learning about his language and culture. Given all these reason, I think that the world will be a better place if all students every where have the chance to study a foreign language.


Argumentative paragraph Example 3 : Telivision

Although some parents don’t allow their children to watch television, it can be good for them. First of all, I think that television is a cheap entertainment . On Sundays, when children drive their parents crazy, the TV can bring them some fun. Besides this, it is too expensive to take the whole family to the movies. For instance, the family can sit in their living room and watch a movie on television. Secondly, it is my conviction that television can be a good teacher. Studies show that these TV programmes help children do well in school. For example, small children can learn the alphabet and numbers on children’s programmes. In addition to this, nature programmes teach them about our earth and how to care for it. In brief television is a useful medium for the entertainment and teaching of kids.

Argumentative paragraph Example 4: Mobile Phone

Nobody denies that using the mobile has many advantages. The very first benefit is communication. With mobile phones you can communicate with anyone from anywhere at any time. In addition, they have become a source of unlimited entertainment. For example, cell phones allow you to play games, listen to music, watch movies and do a lot of other things. What’s more, Smart phones offer thousands of educational apps. This can be so useful for students in their studies.

b-Cause-Effect Paragraph :

This type of paragraph discusses the causes and consequences of an action, situation, event, or decision.

Example 1: Causes of Dropping of school

There are many factors that can lead teenagers to drop out of school. One major cause is that many youths don’t have positive role models in their lives. So, the absence of an encouraging adult in a young person’s life causes him or her to think negatively about himself or herself. In other words, it will not allow them to live up to their full potential. Also, this lack of a positive role model often results in their involvement with the wrong type of people and activities. When a student becomes involved with the wrong crowd doing the wrong things, he or she usually doesn’t concentrate fully on his or her studies. This can lead many young children to give up on their education quite early. Another cause of dropping out of school is lack of determination. Since they’re not determined to graduate, it can be very difficult for many youngsters to stay in school. Many students find it hard to stay focused on school as they believe that getting an education is useless nowadays. Others simply hate school because they feel they are forced to attend classes. In some cultures, quitting school can be the result of peer and family pressure. Unfortunately, many teenagers give up into this pressure very easily. Even worse, if the presence of such pressure is too negative it can lead to states of depression and drug addiction. In fact, drugs become the only thing they are focused on. As a consequence, their lives are destroyed tragically. Thus, dropping out of school can be the result of personal, psychological, and social factors.

Example2 : Causes of Dropping of school

Many causes are behind dropping out of school. Many students leave school because their parents don’t have enough money to teach them. Also, students drop out due to the absence of school transport; they find it difficult to cover a long distance to arrive at school. In addition, because of some parents’ divorce, children no longer feel at ease and they decide to stop schooling. Finally, since the circumstances are hard in the countryside, parents prefer to keep their children at home so as to help them with their work.

c- Narrative Paragraph :

it tells the reader what happened. It relates a sequence of past events using chronological order. It must contain these elements of : – Setting ( time /place) – Point of view – Character – Action .

Example :

Last weekend , I had the best time of my life. On Friday night, my best friend came over and we made a delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After we ate, we had a friendly video game competition. Moments later, my other best friend, Ali, joined us. On Saturday, my dad took us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the water was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim. Later in the evening , we went to the movies. We saw an action- packed thriller and ate a lot of popcorn. Later that night, we spent some time playing chess. Finally, on Sunday, we went bike-riding around town. By the end of the day, my legs became very sore. We had great moments. I only hope the next weekend can be as fun as this one. Now, with such experience, I’ve changed my opinion about weekends. Now I have to say that weekends can only be as exciting and fun as we’d make them to be.

d-Descriptive Paragraph :

In this paragraph, the writer describes a person, a place, or an object.

Example: Describing a person

Song, my best friend, is really a genius. When he first moved to our neighbourhood, the other guys avoided him. But now everybody wants to keep company with him. What is his secret? He is a brainy boy! He can solve mathematical operations faster than a calculator, and he can memorise things better than any of his peers. He always gets the best grades at school1 and he is highly acclaimed by teachers. What makes him even more popular is his being modest, sociable and reliable. Although he is the shortest boy in our group, he is a gifted basketball player. Physically, he is round-faced, pale looking with brown small eyes and short straight hair. He is usually dressed in casual clothes: tight jeans and T-shirts. All those who know him, including classmates and teachers, believe Song possesses the traits of a genius.


Example: Short paragraph describing a city

Khemisset is one my favourite cities. The weather in the city is moderate and healthy. Second, It is a small city with less stressful traffic jam. Finally, it has a wonderful landscape. To sum up, I find Khemisset an amazing city to live in.

II- Essays

Like a paragraph, an essay has the similar types such as argumentative, cause-effect, narrative or descriptive essay.


Example1 : short argumentative essay on Citizenship :

Active citizenship empowers communities, contributes to their prosperity and promotes social ties. Voluntary work is one of the major values that distinguish the active citizens. So, what are the benefits of volunteering?

Nobody denies that voluntary work has many benefits. The very first advantage is that it offers helps to people in need. In addition, volunteering contributes to the improvement of the community. What’s more, this value helps you reduce stress and boosts your happiness.

To conclude, voluntary work has countless benefits on people and communities. For me, I can’t imagine the world without voluntary work.


Example2 : Argumentative Essay on Mobile phone

[1] Cell phones or mobile phones have become a very important part of our daily lives. It is very difficult to imagine our live without a cell phone. Although it has a lot of benefits, this small gadget may cause harm if it is overused.

[2] Nobody denies that using the mobile has many advantages. The very first benefit is communication. With mobile phones you can communicate with anyone from anywhere at any time. In addition, they have become a source of unlimited entertainment. For example, cell phones allow you to play games, listen to music, watch movies and do a lot of other things. What’s more, Smart phones offer thousands of educational apps. This can be so useful for students in their studies.

[3] On the other hand, there are also negative consequences. First, young people can be addicted to mobile phones, and waste their time on gaming, chatting and watching movies. Besides, cell phones can cause serious health problems according to research studies. Another major consequence is that cell phones lead to a lot of traffic accidents.

[4] All in all, using mobile phones can have negative impact on young people, but it also has many advantages. In the end, it all depends on our usage. I think a mobile phone is a very useful tool in our daily life. However, we should be careful not to overuse it.

Example 3 : Essay on Technology

Technology is the application of science for economic, social, commercial, or practical purposes. It has certainly changed our ways of life both positively and negatively. So, I believe that technology has some drawbacks in addition to its many advantages, too.


On the one hand , technology has many advantages . To begin with, it’s making our lives easier and a lot more comfortable. In other words, people save more time and effort with the use of technology. For example, machines and robots can perform all of our hard tasks perfectly and in no time. Also, great inventions, like the telephone, computers, the television, the cell-phone, and the internet have made communication easier and better. Additionally, findings have shown the positive effect of technology on our economic growth. Nowadays, 70% of world businesses rely on technology to improve the quality of their products or services. Moreover, the various technological advances in transportation have turned our world into a small village. This has led to effective interaction between people from different places and cultures. In fact, with all these advantages, technology has brought about many positive changes to our every-day lives.


On the other hand , there are some drawbacks to technology. First, people are becoming more and more over-dependent on technology. Second, machines are replacing humans in factories. Consequently, more people are losing their jobs to automation , which has led to a rapid increase in unemployment rates, especially among young people. Also, because of the incredible breakthroughs in entertainment industry, people have become less active. That’s to say, they exercize less and spend more too much time sitting before their TV sets, others before their computers surfing the internet or playing video games. Additionally, the technological advancements in chemical industry can be the source of many modern dangerous diseases, like cancer, HIV, and H1N1. What’s more, internet addiction is one of the negative outcomes of modern technology. In fact , technology can be a harmful and destructive tool sometimes.


To sum up, technology has become an essential part of our life. However, it’s a double-edged sword that can change our lives to the better or to the worst. So, it’s entirely up to us to use it either wisely, or foolishly.

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