
A2Z English Functions – Part 1 – for Bac & English Learners

International TEFL certification

A2Z English Functions - Part 1 - for Bac & English Learners



  • I do apologize for…
  • I must apologize for…
  • I apologize for…
  • I'd like to apologize for…
  • I am so sorry for…
  • I shouldn't have…
  • It's all my fault.
  • I'm ashamed of…
  •  Please, forgive me for…
  • Excuse me for …
  • I'm terribly sorry for…
  • Pardon me for this…
  • Please, forgive me for my….
  • Please, accept my apologies for…


  • That's all right.
  • Never mind.
  •  Don't apologize.
  • It doesn't matter.
  • Don't worry about it.
  • Don't mention it.
  • That's OK.
  • I quite understand.
  • You couldn't help it.
  • Forget about it.
  • Don't worry about it.
  • No harm done.

Expressing Complaint

  • Here are expressions you can use when complaining:
  •  I have a complaint to make. …
  •  Sorry to bother you but…
  •  I'm sorry to say this but…
  •  I'm afraid I've got a complaint about…
  •  I'm afraid there is a slight problem with…
  • Excuse me but there is a problem about…
  •  I want to complain about…
  •  I'm angry about…


To add information, you can use these expressions:

in addition, – as well as – moreover – what is more – not only…but also… – furthermore – besides – also – too – and…

  • If the project fails this will have terrible consequences not only on our department, but also on the whole organization
  • John's grades are terrible because he has been so lazy these days. In addition to this, his relationship to his parents got worse.

The report is badly written. Moreover, it's inaccurate.


To express concession, you can use these expressions: although – even though – in spite of / despite – however – yet – nevertheless – nonetheless


  • Brain drain has terrible consequences on the developing countries. Nevertheless, nothing has been done to solve the problem or at least reduce its negative effects.
  •  In spite of / despite Fred's old age, he goes jogging every morning.
  •  Although she's very nice, her classmates hate her.
  •  They have got two children, a boy and girl. The boy looks after his father whereas the girl looks after the mother.



To express contrast, you can use these expressions: on the contrary – whereas – on the one hand …but on the other hand… – conversely – but…- in contrast to


  • On the one hand he’s a world champion in karate, but on the other hand he is a great poet.
  •  In contrast to the party they had last week, this one is fantastic.
  •  I do not agree that his latest book is disappointing. On the contrary, I think it’s a masterpiece.






  • can be defined as
  • can be described as
  • refers to
  • means





  •  Citizenship can be defined as the status of being a with its rights and duties.
  • Stereotype can be described as a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
  • Illiteracy means the condition of being unable to read and write.
  • Culture refers to the arts, customs, and habits that characterize a particular society or nation.


  • Use to , so as to, and in order to to express purpose in the affirmative form.
  • Examples:
  • He is looking for a part time job to save some pocket money.
  • She wakes up early in order to be on time to work.
  • They visited him so as to offer their condolences for the death of his wife.
  • Use so as not to and in order not to to express purpose in the negative form.
  • Examples:
  • They woke up early in order not to be late.
  • She exercises regularly so as not to get fat.
  • He helped the new police woman so as not to fail in her first mission.


Purpose with : so that

  • You can also express purpose with so that. In this case you generally need to use a modal.


  • She told him to play quiet so that he wouldn't disturb the neighbors.
  • He got a visa so that he can travel to the USA.
  • He decided to stay in England for a while so that he could practice his English.  

 Lack of understanding

When you fail to understand what has been said to you you can use these expressions:

  •  I beg your pardon?
  •  I beg your pardon, but I don't quite understand.
  •  I'm not quite sure I know what you mean.
  •  I'm not quite sure I follow you.
  •  I don't quite see what you mean.
  •  I'm not sure I got your point.
  •  Sorry, I didn't quite hear what you said.
  •  Sorry, I didn't get your point.
  •  I don't quite see what you're getting at.


Asking for Clarification

When you don't understand what someone has said, you can ask for clarification using the following expressions:

  • What do you mean by…?
  • Do you mean…?
  • Could you say that again, please?
  • Could you repeat please?
  • Could you clarify that, please?
  • Would you elaborate on that , please?
  •  Could you be more explicit?
  • Could you explain what you mean by…?
  • Could you give us an example?
  • I wonder if you could say that in a different way.
  • Could you put it differently, please?
  •  Could you be more specific, please?


Asking for advice

  •  I've got a bad toothache. What do you suggest?
  •  What do you advise me to do?
  •  What should I do?
  • What ought I to do?
  •  What's your advice?
  •  If you were me what would you do?



Giving advice

  • If I were you, I would go to the dentist.
  • Why don't you go to the dentist?
  • You'd better brush your teeth regularly.
  •  You ought to/should avoid eating sweets.
  • If you take my advice, you'll go to the dentist.
  •  It might be a good idea to brush your teeth on a regular basis.
  •  I advise you to brush your teeth on a regular basis.
  •  Have you thought about seeing a dentist.
  • masterpiece.



What do you think about… ?

What’s your opinion about… ? how do you feel about… ?

Where do you stand on the question of… ?

What’s your reaction about… ?

What are your views on…?

What are your views on…?



  •  I think…
  • As far as I'm concerned,..
  • To my mind,…
  • According to me,…
  • As I see it, …
  • It seems to me that…
  • In my point of view / my opinion,….
  • From my point of view…
  • I am of the opinion that…
  • I take the view that. ..
  • My personal view is that…
  • In my experience…
  • As far as I understand / can see/see it,…


Expressing AGREEMENT

  • I agree with this opinion.
  •  I completely agree with this view.
  • This is absolutely right.
  • I couldn't / can't agree more.
  • You’re absolutely right.
  • I share the same opinion/idea.
  • Ican’t agree more.


  • I'm afraid. I can't agree with you.
  •  I disagree with you.
  • I don't agree with you.
  • I'm not sure I agree with you
  • I think you're wrong



  • I agree with this point of view, but…
  • This idea is right, but…
  • I agree with you, but…
  • You’re right, but…

Expressing Suggestion:

  • Shall we ….
  • Let’s ….
  • What about …. Ing
  • How about  ….ing
  • I suggest …ing
  • I suggest that we should ….

Expressing Request:

  • Could you ……………… ?
  • Can you  please ……………..?
  • Could you …………………..?
  • Would you ………………..?
  • Would you mind ….ing ……………?
  • Do you mind if I ………………..?
  • Will you please …………..?

Expressing Obligation :

  • … must …………..
  • … have to ……………
  • It is obligatory to ………………..
  • It is compulsory to ………….
  • It is mandatory to  …………………
  • It is obligatory that you ……………..

Prohibition :

  • ….mustn’t …..  /  ….. can’t ……….
  • It’s not allowed to ……………..
  • It’s prohibited to …………………….
  • It’s forbidden to …………………….
  • It’s bannder to ……………………..
  • You aren’t allowed to ……………
  • You are not permitted to ……………


Lack of necessity :

  • ….. needn’t ……………………………………
  • … don’t have to ……………..
  • It is not necessary to ………….
  • There is no need to ………………….
  • It is needless to …….


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