
A Story In Chain: Part4

International TEFL certification


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sallonew2By Mr.Abdellah Sallo

                                         All of them got back to the table, they were sitting down, gossiping, talking about different topics. El Younsi was just listening and kept speechless. One of the hosts dealt with an important topic, for he had been cheated when he went shopping; a butcher gave him a bad piece of meat. Everybody started to curse the sellers in the market. El Younsi interfered with his story. It goes as following
“The society is like a sea where sharks and sardines live.” El Younsi expressed himself. He caught others’ attention. –“You know what sharks do in the sea; they show their boast and power over the sardines. Despite the huge number of sardines in a stream of the sea, the shark swallows them easily. Some people are living in the same way. The weak class takes a risk to live under the mercy of their masters.” El Younsi explained wisely.
Abdo and his friends were listening attentively while two others were cooking dinner in the kitchen. “A young man was working in a school as a Tutor”, El Younsi went on, “An American was a teacher of English In the same school. He arrived to the school in September. The American teacher was complaining about the rent, to rent a house is awfully expensive; he was looking for an apartment to rent. It was too difficult to find one since the inhabitants in Nador refuse to rent apartments. The Tutor was stretching his ears to the conversation taking place between the headmaster and the American teacher. Suddenly the Tutor intervened and suggested that he solve such a problem. The headmaster was astonished; he kept silent, but welcomed the Idea and transmitted it to the American teacher with his eyes. Then he relieved the American with the Tutor’s sympathetic suggestion. The American teacher stood up and smiled to the Tutor. –“This afternoon, I’m going to see a landlady. She has an apartment In the centre of the city” the Tutor clarified. When he came back In the afternoon, he went straight to the administration. He told the headmaster that he had seen the apartment, but the landlady needed 4000Dh In advance. The American teacher accepted to give the sum of money. The Tutor took the sum of money, but he never returned to school.” El Younsi paused for a moment gazing at the ground. Abdo’s companions bombarded him with questions. A moment later, he stood up and told them that he would have a walk outside. He went out alone; It was eight o’clock in the evening.
                                                                                                                   (to be continued)

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