
A Guide To Historical Sites In Marrakech

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Koutoubia Mosque

The Koutoubia Mosque is one of the biggest and most iconic symbols of Morocco not only Marrakech. Built in a very old and traditional style, there is a tradition in Marrakech that no building in the medina be higher than a palm tree. With this is mind the mosque towers over all of its surroundings at 77 metres tall, making it the largest mosque in Marrakech. The mosque is still active and still is a popular place of worship; if you are not Muslim it is forbidden that you enter the building. Where being a tourist and not a Muslim, you are forbidden from entering but you can still admire the majestic and beauty of the building from the narrow streets of the medina.

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Saadian Tombs

The Saadian tombs filled with lots of culture and history, the tombs are made up of 2 main mausoleums the tombs have 66 tombs laid out within them, and over 100 more in the gardens. The first mausoleum is known to be the finer of the two sides, built almost 200 years ago. The roof of the mausoleum is covered with detailed carvings and amazing Zellji tiles. El Mansours the man who built these very tombs is buried with all his sons and successors in the back of the tomb in a domed shape room with 12 beautiful marble pillars. The second mausoleum is older but known to be the less impressive one of the two, this was built in the place of a pavilion that already existed over the tombs of his mother and the founder of the Saadian dynasty.


Maison de la Photographie

Maison de la Photohraphie simply means the house of photography; this is a museum home to lots of different old and unique photos. The museum only opened in 2009, but is home to over 3,500 photographs. The collection of photographs in the museum is only about morocco and the photos cover the period of time between 1870 & 1950. The museum is only home to hundreds of photos but is home to the first ever film recorded in the high atlas in colour. The photos include lots of pictures of landscapes, portraits of old successors and also lots of important architectural complexes.

photo house marrakech

Medina of Marrakech

The medina of Marrakech is built up of narrow streets, bright colours and lots of bazaars. In the medina you will find a lot of character and life, it is known as the ‘Historical city’. Founded in 1070-72 the medina hasn’t lost life since, it is still home to lots of various acts and culture such as dancers and silent hissing cobras. If you do get down to the medina of Marrakech be ready to haggle as haggling is an old tradition that is in all the local shops. The medina is free of cars, making it a peaceful and religious place to be keeping all its many traditions.

Medina Marrakech


The Jemaa el-Fnaa is a square that is part of the Medina; It is a square full of live performances and a market. The performances are very much traditions with snake charmers that will happily let you take pictures of them. Every day and night the performances carry on, at night when the snake charmers go home they are replaced with dancers and story tellers all welcome to tourists. The square is often filled with many food stores when the square starts to get busier throughout the evening.

So with lots of historic places to go in Marrakech, you will find that the city is still full of a wide culture. Very old traditions and landmarks have still kept their beauty in this city and will be there for hundreds of years to come as well as the hundreds of years it has been in place.


source:  flywheelblog

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