
تمارين المتداولة في الامتحانات الوطنية Conditional Exercises – Answers

International TEFL certification


From National exams 2010 – 2011

1- Yassine had a terrible accident because he didn’t stop at the red light.
If Yassine had stopped at the red light, he wouldn’t have had a terrible accident
( Conditional Type 3 –   Past Simple ( had terrible … )  الان الجملة في الماضي   )

2- I don’t have a modem, so I can’t have access to the internet
If I had a modem, I could have access to the internet.
( Conditional Type 3 –   Present  Simple ( don’t have …  )  الان الجملة في الماضي   )

3- Our team didn’t qualify for the final match because they didn’t play well.
If our team had played well, they would have qualified for the final match.

4- I couldn’t send the photo by e-mail because I didn’t have a scanner.
If I had had a scanner, I would have sent the photo by e-mail.

5- Tom can’t get a better job because he doesn’t have enough experience.
If Tom had enough experience, he would get a better job.

6- I am not good at math; I can’t solve this equation
If I were good at math, I could solve this equation.

From National exams 2010 – 2011

1- Bouchra and her husband don’t have enough money. They can’t move to a new apartment.
If Bouchra and her husband had enough money, they would move to a new apartment.

2- I didn’t finish the report yesterday because my computer broke down.
If my computer hadn’t broken down, I would have finished the report.

3- Kaouthar was late for school yesterday; that’s why she missed her math test.
If kaouthar weren’t late for school yesterday, she wouldn’t have missed her math test.

4- I can’t use WhatsApp because I have no internet connection.
If I had internet connection, I could you WhatsApp.

From National exams 2015

1- Adil didn’t know about the meeting because he didn’t check his email.
If Adil checked his email, he would have known about the meeting.

2- Leila didn’t get a front seat at the theatre because she didn’t buy a ticket early.
If Leila had bought a ticket early, she would have got a front seat at the thatre

3- My sister didn’t take her medicine. She didn’t feel better.
If my sister had taken her medicine, she would have felt better.

4- Malika dropped out of school because her father lost his job.
If Malika’s father hadn’t lost his job, she wouldn’t have dropped out of school

From National exams 2016

1- We lost the game because our goalkeeper was not in good physical condition.
If our goalkeeper had been in good physical condition, we wouldn’t have lost the game.

2- You didn’t check a dictionary; that’s why you made many spelling mistakes.
If you had checked a dictionary, you wouldn’t have made many spelling mistakes

3- Mark didn’t apply for the job because he didn’t get his diploma on time
If Mark had got his diploma on time, he would have applied for the job.


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